Some of our Hostas before the slugs and snails get to them.......
By Dottydaisy2

22 Apr, 2018
Have purchased some copper tape, so we will see if that works!
Comments on this photo
It is such a joy Karen, just as long as we can keep the critters away from them.....sad to hear about your Arbutus, I thought they were pretty tough!
22 Apr, 2018
Me too. It just seems to have been dessicated. Maybe it will grow new leaves. I’ve put it out of sight for now.
22 Apr, 2018
Yes it may return........
22 Apr, 2018
I've tried copper wire, didn't work here. Your Hostas are looking more advanced than mine, but mine are in the ground in a shady area. Some in the deeper shade at the back haven't even come thro yet.
22 Apr, 2018
I was more than happy with the Copper tape I tried last year,Angela.I don't have any Hostas ,but all slug and snail prone bedding plants in pots ,came through unscathed ...not even a tell tale trail either...I put it on half way up the pots..good luck ..x
22 Apr, 2018
Sandra thank you .....I will try that, the reviews were very good, so fingers crossed!
Siris they have flourished in the rain, the ones in the border and the pots! the Octopus the one you gave me is doing really well!
22 Apr, 2018
I have a vision of the slimers vibrating with electricity when the slime hits the tape! Can see their little antennas shaking! Lol!
22 Apr, 2018
Well let's hope so.....I noticed a hole already, they are made by the ground slugs, at one time you could get a liquid to deal with them.....alas no more!
23 Apr, 2018
I used to get lots of the small black keel slugs, but fewer now. I do think now that I've got Leopard slugs which apparently eat other slugs and dead vegatation, not healthy plants. I must take a photo next time I come across one, see what others think.
24 Apr, 2018
Please do.......
25 Apr, 2018
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How lovely to see them again! I was searching for signs of mine uesterday. They are just peeping above the soil at last. Everything is coming on well now with this sunshine, even though it has gone windy and cold again. My arbutus at the front door appears to be dead. So sad, as it was looking great in January.
22 Apr, 2018