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Solidago chilensis


By Aleyna

Solidago chilensis (Solidago Chilensis Meyen)

Many plants native to our state are medicinal. This Solidago chilensis, is known as Arnica do Campo and infusion of flowers is used for joint pain. (Pharmacological effect of aqueous extract from Solidago chilensis Meyen on mice - Scielo).

Comments on this photo


Hi Aleyna! What an interesting landscape :) Here in the UK Soliadago is known as Golden Rod and is extremely popular in the garden. I planted some last year in my own garden, but I had no idea it was a medicinal plant. Thanks for the lesson :)

29 Apr, 2018


Like Karen I didn't know it was a medicinal plant either! I have seen them growing in gardens here in the UK since I was a boy but I've never grown them myself.

1 May, 2018


Hi Cottagekarer and Balcony,

Me neither had any idea about its medicinal character. I'm part of a Bothanical identification Group in FB, and have asked them do identify the plant before post it here.

Thanks for the landscape comment, you can see a tinny part of my house construction. I'm blessed for finnally have my own small land to plant. For many years I've been a coleague to Balcony, planting only in my small balcony.

I'll cheak it out if Golden Rod is the same plant.

Thanks both for the comments.

2 May, 2018


The answer of the group was:
Goldenrod is the popular name of the genus Solidago. The collor goldenrod was inspied by these plants.

The popular names and further infotrmation:


2 May, 2018


Well, congratulations on getting a plot of your own at last Aleyna! ?

2 May, 2018


Congratulations from me as well, Aleyna. ?

2 May, 2018


Thanks Cottagekarer and Balcony

8 May, 2018

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This photo is of species Solidago Chilensis Meyen.

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