Best looking tomato plant I ever started with.
By Stan510

30 Apr, 2018
This container grown T-mater is looking like a super model. Great color,flowering too.
This is the way to go I see. No more virus or fungi like when I would grow them in dirt. V-wilt always got them.
Comments on this photo
I tried that..I think it went anaerobic on me Penny. This shallow Redwood planter seems to be a good air allower.
1 May, 2018
That's a shame at least you ve found a better way . Sounds a good planter.
1 May, 2018
I bought a second t-mater plant. Its called "Super Delicious" could I not try it? Its said to have flavor of beefsteak t- maters and make nice slices for sandwiches. The one in the photo is something like "Thousands" of cherry tomatoes.
2 May, 2018
That sounds delicious Stan Ihope it grows well for you. Never heard of the thousands tomato one..
2 May, 2018
Some of those cherry Tomatoes Penny are tiny..taste great but very small like grapes..then next level is a bit more size and with salt makes a nice pop in the mouth of flavor.
I thought if this potted way of growing tomatoes is better,I should try that Beefsteak type. It promised to be great flavor.
I have tried tomatoes in pots before..they never did well. I think they really like this large but shallow planter. Plus it has great drainage..and with so much exposed to the sum,gets warm.
Like the Beverly Hills home for a Tomato.
3 May, 2018
They sound like what we get here cherry tomatoes Stan They seem to be doing we in that planter hope your beef tasting ones taste and good and it grows well for you.
4 May, 2018
Its really grown since the photo. I wonder if I should take a long low branch and pin it to the ground? Like making another of these in the planter.
I should take another photo- I never had such a good looking tomato!
5 May, 2018
You could always try never heard of doing that with a tomato plant though it will be interesting to see.
5 May, 2018
I bought a third t-mater Penny today. You can never have too many tomatoes. People will take extra happily.
7 May, 2018
Thats great Stan you can always make chuckney if you dont eat them all in time.
7 May, 2018
8 May, 2018
Or Salsa then lol we do Chuckney as you can store it a preserve .
8 May, 2018
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Good to see you have a tomato already Stan so have you got this in a pot on top of the boarder. I use to grow mine straight out of a grow bag .
30 Apr, 2018