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Markhamia lutea - Nile Trumpet Tree

Markhamia lutea - Nile Trumpet Tree (Markhamia lutea - Nile Trumpet Tree)

This is a beautiful specimen. I gave it to a friend here in San Diego, CA. It was a seedling from my tree. I'll have to go back to see it when it starts flowering. Photo taken April 11, 2018.

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I bet that looks gorgeous when in flower your seed has done you proud Andy.

6 May, 2018


This one looks better than my tree. lol!

I'll take some photos of my tree soon. It should be blooming now and it's not.

6 May, 2018


Lol that's always the way Andy

Great I shall await to see yours

6 May, 2018


Still cool here Andy... 70f is about it at best. Maybe next week we break out.
Thats a good looking tree..nice foliage.

7 May, 2018



It should bloom this month sometime.

7 May, 2018



It's suppose to be about 80 degrees here today. The last three days have been so hot. In the 90's, except for along the coast. It was actually in the upper 90's in several areas further inland...and of course, the desert are in the low 100's.

7 May, 2018


Make sure you ve got your camera ready then lol thanks for letting me know it will flower this month Andy.

8 May, 2018


I'll will have my camera ready. LOL! :>))

I love the sweet fragrance of the flowers, also.

9 May, 2018


You had better or else lol.

You cant eat the flowers Andy remember that as when you mention sweet its always some thing to eat lol

9 May, 2018


Actually, I'm not sure if the flowers are edible. So many flowers are edible. I never change it until I'm 100 percent sure, though.

10 May, 2018


No its never worth chancing it you should always ask an expert.

10 May, 2018


Yes, I meant "chance it" lol! I'm always concerned about eating plants I'm not sure about. Many plants and weeds are very edible.

11 May, 2018


lol Andy your getting like me in hitting wrong letters . Yes I was watching a program on you tube of wild plants you can eat I have two lavender you can eat one you can make with chocolate.

11 May, 2018


Yes, I'm getting pretty bad at that! LOL!

Lavender grows wild here. I've never grown it before, though. It's funny because I don't like lavender with chocolate. I like dark chocolate with white chocolate, though. lol! :>))

12 May, 2018


I make errors because I am on a tiny keyboard on my phone so the one finger hits the wrong letter at times if I am going fast.
Lavender attracts all types of bees good for pollinating and keeping the bees fed .

Ha ha so your not a Cadburys Milk Tray man your a Milky Bar Kids lol then must admit I prefer dark chocolate but some has lead it it but I rarely eat sweets or chocolate cant stand white chocolate far to sweet.

12 May, 2018


Wow! That must be very difficult to make comments on a phone keyboard.

Lavender does attract a lot of bees.

I love chocolate! Any chocolate...however, I don't eat too much chocolate anymore. When I used to go to Europe regularly, especially Switzerland, I would bring home a lot of huge Swiss chocolate bars (the ones that are not sold here). I do love Dutch chocolate, also. I love drinking Chocomel (I would drink so much of it when I was in Amsterdam! lol!).

14 May, 2018


I wont touch Swiss chocolate nestles either why do you ask? as I chat on a history site which chat about the industry we had here one was Courtalds which made fibres and materials the men who worked their were guinepigs in the canteen on the food made from fibres which was sold to go into their chocolate. The best chocolate was Cadburys until Kraft took it over a lot here have stopoed buying it as it now causes stomach trouble. Lol I chat to a Dutchman on a local history site his grand father owned Phillips Frits Philips his grand father he had this built

14 May, 2018


I love Swiss chocolate! I know it's like no others, it's because the cows eat a certain herb that's grown in the Alps. It give the chocolate a unique natural sweet flavor.

That building in Eindhoven does look like a UFO. lol!

16 May, 2018


Lol they say simular about Kerrigold spreadable butter Irish grass fed but a lady visited that farm went around the farm and they supplement their feed with GM pellets as she watched so how can we believe any thing these mass producers say . I wonder what the Swiss cows eat come winter when the ground s covered in snow.! as having lived on a farm just hay is not enough to see it through a winter.

16 May, 2018

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This photo is of species Markhamia lutea - Nile Trumpet Tree.

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