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Different yellow Tree Peony close up

Different yellow Tree Peony close up

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I love Tree-Peony! I don't see it here very often. They need too much cold to set it to flower. Although, not as much cold as the herbaceous ones which cannot grow here.

28 May, 2018


Such a shame you can't grow them over there I have 4 tree peony red white 2 different yellow ones. I have the herbaceous ones too which are in bud at present . Strange the herbaceous ones won't grow over there but as you say they need the cold. They dont like being moved .

28 May, 2018


Peonies need a lot of chilling hours. Unfortunately, with our mild to warm winters Peonies high-chilling hours cannot be accomplished here.

29 May, 2018


That's a shame you have nt the chill factor weather over there but then if you did you could nt grow your exotic plants thats the down fall. Perhaps you should get a walk in freezer to give it the chill factor lol

Here is my Redish tree peony.

29 May, 2018


Yes, I need a freezer to put them into...LOL!

31 May, 2018


lol defiently if you got a big one you could plant in pots and just place the whole pot in . I have another softer yellow one on my photos bigger than this one its about 4ft tall and about 4ft width like the red one only the red/purple one is nt as wide.

31 May, 2018

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