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A Delicious Scent (For my File)


By Siris

A Delicious Scent (For my File) (Iris germanica (Orris))

One of my own Iris Crosses. An unnamed Blue x Stepping Out or vice versa. Much better scent than Jane Phillips, and a more modern form.

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Quite an achievement if the scent is better than Jane. Lovely shade too.

19 May, 2018


Clever lady

20 May, 2018


Well done you , your own creations must be satisfying


20 May, 2018


Gg, Scented Step is one of the keepers moved to the front garden, so got its own entry in my file.
It's exciting to see if I get something different from new crosses. I've 9 new crosses so far this year, some are just similar to a parent.
How are your Gombault Irises doing? I've still some yet to flower for the first time, spent their time enlarging their rhizomes.

20 May, 2018


Well they look fine ... havnt lost any ... if any blooms I will PM and post on here , they better had bloom !!


20 May, 2018


The early yellow and blue you sent me are just opening Sue.

20 May, 2018


powder blue! That's a lovely cross. congrats, Siris!

25 May, 2018


I crossed the parents the other way, and the offspring are similar but a brighter blue, also with a scent.

25 May, 2018


Well done! :-)

26 May, 2018

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This photo is of "Bearded Iris My Scented Step" in Siris's garden

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