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Cistus x corbariensis

Cistus x corbariensis

Loaded with flowers and buds

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Gorgeous Dawn. I love them, and saw the Cistus in a friend's garden this morning. She allowed the taking of cuttings, so I'm hoping that they will strike!

5 Jun, 2018


That is really pretty.

5 Jun, 2018


Sheila, easy! Mine was a cutting from my neighbours and they grow quick.
Siris, I can get you cuttings or I can get one going for you, mine is quite big now, say 2 feet square, the habit is slightly messy but I like them a lot and are literally covered in buds.

5 Jun, 2018


Must get some one day!!

21 Jun, 2018


I like it a lot Dd

21 Jun, 2018


I can see why!

23 Jun, 2018

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