Iris foetidissima, blue species type and Citrina
By Siris

12 Jun, 2018
I also have a variegated one which has the blue type flowers, which is flowering now. Grown as much for the bright red seeds when the seed pods open.
Comments on this photo
Dead head, Holden Clough, Karen, as it's an Hybrid it probably won't come true to the named variety. Vegetative divisions are best, although being hardy it will expand, but gets a bit untidy if left too many years.
12 Jun, 2018
Thanks! :)
12 Jun, 2018
Karen, as a hybrid, I believe the seed is sterile. I ve just looked at the wonderful colour in your plant's flowers, could leave to see if the seed is viable, but then again even if viable, the result could be poorer.
12 Jun, 2018
Think I’ll just deadhead them. Ta!
12 Jun, 2018
I've got about 20 small plants from last years Holden Clough seeds which germinated in April. Should they be relegated to the bin Siris? I was so chuffed they germinated too. Never mind.
15 Jun, 2018
Thorny, so not sterile! might be interesting to keep a few. My guess would be yellow pseudocorus-like offspring, but who's to tell. I'll watch this space.
15 Jun, 2018
I used to let them self seed about as I ended up with some nice results. The rubbish ones got eliminated after they had bloomed though.
4 Jul, 2018
I wonder if the the variegated leaved one will produce variegated offspring, probably not and the flowers are poorer anyway.
5 Jul, 2018
Execute after blooming if it's crap!
Lack of variegation is considered a bonus here.
7 Jul, 2018
Oh, I like variegated leaves in various shapes.
7 Jul, 2018
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12 Jun, 2018