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My Hemerocallis flowering to date.


By Siris

My Hemerocallis flowering to date.

The Daylilies that have flowered so far, not necessarily the first flower which might of been removed because of Gall Midge.

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Lovely collection. Dont think mine will ever flower.

14 Jun, 2018


Why is that, 3pb.

15 Jun, 2018


There is no sign of any flowers coming on them so I don't think they will be flowering this year at least.

15 Jun, 2018


Tpb have you tried seaweed feed, but they can take about 3 years can't they :-))

15 Jun, 2018


No I have nt Daylily thank you for that I noticed today one has a stem

16 Jun, 2018


Ohh good, mine all have buds forming now :-))

17 Jun, 2018


That's great hope to see yours soon.

17 Jun, 2018


Hopefully if yours are 'lates' , they will miss the dreaded Gall Midge.

17 Jun, 2018


I do usually get one or two buds with it Siris :-))

18 Jun, 2018


Blooming nuisance all these pests and diseases.

18 Jun, 2018


I know, seems to be getting worse slugs and snails seem to be eating everything :-(

18 Jun, 2018


Lost a lot to the dreaded midge yet again, might give up growing them....

20 Jun, 2018


So far the ones in the shady back garden are unaffected. They seem to flower later than the same variety in the front.

20 Jun, 2018


Made no difference to ours shade or sun.....

20 Jun, 2018


I love Nile Crane, in the back garden, such a big flower and clean of GM.

21 Jun, 2018


Ours hasn't flowered yet!

21 Jun, 2018

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