Viceroy Caterpillar

7 Aug, 2008
On my curly willow.
Comments on this photo
My tree is very big, and there aren't a lot of caterpillars. I would never spray, because I don't want to kill the butterfly larva.
8 Aug, 2008
So, a Viceroy caterpiller, have you any pics of the butterfly? Must be something special with a name like that.
9 Aug, 2008
They look almost identical to a monarch. I haven't ever taken any viceroy myself. I do have a lot of monarch butterflies and caterpillar pics I've taken.
9 Aug, 2008
Bet they're gorgeous to see Lisa. Would really love to see more of your butterflies, they're a beautiful insect, and we need to keep growing the plants they love as their natural habitats are dwindling. I've lots of buddleias and a nettle patch in my garden, hoping to attract more.
9 Aug, 2008
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4 Apr, 2008
How come you have still got leaves on this willow? When I have had caterpillars on mine they quickly munch all the leaves up! I sprayed this year to try and avoid this but don't like doing that really.
7 Aug, 2008