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Mango red new leaves..


By Stan510

Mango red new leaves.. (Mangifera indica (Mango))

Sort of reddish.

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Thats great Stan thst means more mangos 😁

30 Jun, 2018


I love the new growth on mango and avocado trees, most have that beautiful red, magenta and copper coloring.

1 Jul, 2018


Its got that "over winter" look finally. New leaves are large,the look of the tree is a darker green now.

6 Jul, 2018


That's great! I know mango trees love a lot of extreme heat! I assume all the mango trees here will be flushing a lot of new growth soon. It's been really hot the last 5 days. The nights have been very hot, also! UGH! Lol!

10 Jul, 2018


Yes,when they flush in a heatwave is best time of all. I notice one foot of growth can become two in a heatwave and warm nights.
Right now just watering..and very soon back to pruning. The Sapote tree that took so many years to get going- just as bad as the Mango really,is just off the charts fast now and deep lush green. The drawback is I can save fruit to give away even. Spoils so fast.

10 Jul, 2018


Yes, I've noticed that, too. The hotter it stays the more growth flushes, also.

Sapote trees can become gigantic. It can grow really fast once established.

10 Jul, 2018

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