Flowers coming on my Brugmansia
By Thrupennybit

30 Jun, 2018
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Yes it is the first time its ever flowered according to Paul who sold it me last year I ve taken a photo showed him today this one is white with tinges of pale pink around the outer edge of the flower Just got a long wait for the double yellow pink and single yellow to grow a V now I think the single yellow already has a V but not very tall.
5 Jul, 2018
That's terrific news! It's always very nice to see them flower and smell the flowers at night, which are so fragrant! :>))
My Angels' Trumpet are looking so bad! The extreme heat we've been getting since last Thursday has been causing a lot of problems with my plants. It was 107ºF (42ºC) here on Friday and the nights have been super hot! Last night the temp stayed at 84ºF (29ºC) here until 4:00 a.m. and it's sweltering again this morning! YUCKY weather!!! :>((
8 Jul, 2018
Yes I went out to check it the other evening to see if it had dried out I could smell it then for the first time.
That's such a shame Andy yours Angel Trumpets are suffering also your other plants wow that is hot are you on water restrictions or is it just the heat burning them.
Yes I know the feeling of the heat it was 87.8f today here I find it hard to sleep some nights even though I only have pure cotton bedding as it keeps you cooler and let's your skin breath I always try to buy natural fabrics or leather for shoes they let your feet breath in summer I try and get cork next to my skin on my feet as they don't burn your feet nor does your feet sweat can you tell I once worked in a shoe shop lol.
8 Jul, 2018
I hope you had a chance to enjoy the sweet nightly fragrance! I love the fragrance!
My Angels' Trumpets are suffering from heat and lack of water. We are on water restrictions. The droughts never seem to end! Ugh!
I wish the temps here were only 88ºF (31ºC)! I would be so happy! 88 to 92ºF (31 - 33ºC) is the normal highs for this time of year in the inland areas (excluding the San Diego deserts which are so much hotter).
10 Jul, 2018
Yes I did thank you Andy every night I have it right by my back door where I can look on my garden even from where I sit in my living room and smell it as I keep my door open untill late.
I hope your restrictions dont last long nor your drought it would be such a sin to loose your Pulmaria s because of the continuing drought. I think its about 5 to 6 weeks since we seen rain here where I live news aaid the heat has killed 57 peoole already I can stand the heat as long as there is a wind which dries the plants out more so.
It was cooler today here . Yes your temperatures are much higher than what we get I feel for you all out there. I dread to think of the heat in the desert.
10 Jul, 2018
Wow! That's horrible so many people have died in the heat! It doesn't appear too hot; Although, I guess it's what people are used to.
It's still really hot and muggy's been 9 days with this hot weather, already. UGH!
The drought will persist. We typically don't receive any rain from: May through most of November.
The Plumeria trees tolerate severe drought really well. They do look much better with some regular watering, though.
13 Jul, 2018
Yes your right its what your accustomed to with weather our heat is not a dry heat its a heat its a humid heat I know people die here more from heat than the cold which we are use to.
Half the year then you have no rain I can sympathise with you having the muggy weather. We are suppose to have thunder storms but I ve not seen one yet.
Seems Pulmerias seems to be the best to grow out there liking the heat yes of course they will look far better when watered me to lol.
13 Jul, 2018
High heat and humidity are AWFUL!!! It can be such a deadly combination. A few years ago it was so extremely hot and humid in August, the hospitals were over run with heat-exhaustion and heat-stroke patients. Heat-related illnesses are extremely serious!
15 Jul, 2018
Yes it can on the news last week they said 57 had died through the heat here. I thought you would of got dry heat being by a desert. What with volcano s going off I don't think that helps either. Reading on a scientist forum they were talking about the warming of the seas caused by taking the oil out of the Earth as it surpresses the heat from the centre of the earth escaping.
15 Jul, 2018
That's horrible 57 people dying from heat!
We're much closer to the Pacific Ocean than the desert. The desert is about 1 1/2 hours drive from here, the beach is only 10 minutes. Also, when we have the monsoonal flow the very hot, humid weather comes up from Mexico and hits most of the desert south-west. It makes the humidity levels very high.
16 Jul, 2018
Yes it is.
That's good your closer to the ocean than the desert I don't think I would like to live near to any desert. So you get your humidity weather from Mexico I ll let my sister know that as she wants to visit Mexico
16 Jul, 2018
Yes, when you look on the map, San Diego is right on San Diego Bay. I live 10 minutes drive inland, so it's much hotter; however, it's still considered inland-coastal or the mesas. I live on Montezuma Mesa. San Diego's urban mesas are among the mildest subtropical climates in the U.S.
The monsoonal flow comes from Mexico and through Arizona. It brings very hot and humid-laden air to San Diego....sometimes rain...but, most just the clouds, heat and humidity.
17 Jul, 2018
Looks a lobely place on google street maps lots of Palm trees I could see. Is that where the Aztec's lived ?
17 Jul, 2018
Are you talking about San Diego?
The Aztecs are the football team at San Diego State University, which is only a couple miles from where I live.
LOL! :>))
18 Jul, 2018
Yes and yes the footy team so its a university team then.
18 Jul, 2018
Yes, it's a football team at the SDSU (San Diego State University). :>))
21 Jul, 2018
Like here then our Coventry and Warwick University s Warwick University one is in Coventry as well Tony Blair got George W Bush to back the Warwick University not the footy (soccer )team Blairs son has been living and working here Coventry several times has been the capitol of England.
We also have a football (soccer)team the City have Coventry Sky Blues most fans call them selves true blues as Coventry weavers back in history was the first to make a dyed blue cloth that stuck the colour never faded or ran.
21 Jul, 2018
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Great! Is it flowering yet?
5 Jul, 2018