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Kniphofia ‘Banana Popsicle’

Kniphofia ‘Banana Popsicle’ (Kniphofia ‘Banana Popsicle’)

Finally tracked it down ....

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Lovely plant ...

24 Aug, 2018


Oooh, nice!

24 Aug, 2018


Persistance has paid off, it's great, but compact.

24 Aug, 2018


Really does pop Gnarley! Just been watching G. World with the Popsicle series of Kniphofia, really interesting..

24 Aug, 2018


thanks all

Siris I had my suspicion when I spotted it THINKING NO IT CANT BE ... oh yes it was ....
I have grown "Little Maid" which is small but this is bigger and hopefully more hardy ...

Janey I will look forward to seeing GW I think an easy series to grow and to introduce people to the various varieties of Kniphofia.

I have 5 varieties flowering in the front garden now and the wasps are loving them !!! with "Green Jade " just about to start throwing up spikes ... "scorched corn" never flowered again so deffo on the lift and spit either early September or leave till latish spring


25 Aug, 2018


That is interesting Gnarly. I've just split two clumps of K. Rooperi, Autumn flowering. Totally the wrong time to do it, but plants are looking strong and healthy...:))

25 Aug, 2018


They look great glad you found them.

27 Aug, 2018


thanks 3p only waited
3 years lol


27 Aug, 2018


Not long then lol.

27 Aug, 2018


Ha ha, I was just watching my recording of last week's GW this afternoon and thinking that looks a great kniphofia.
Monty said they like dampish soil, which was a surprise to me: they look like heat lovers.

27 Aug, 2018


hi Pb123
I wasnt happy with Monty with where he planted them as they dont like having sodden wet roots over the winter and he has clay soil plus they like a open postion with no crowding out by other plants in the shade thry dont normally flower either , they do like lots of water when in flower makes them flower longer but has to be free draining , GW has turned into a magazine show much prefer beechgrove


27 Aug, 2018


Oh thanks for all that info......I love the popiscle series, have been looking for the banana for ages......well done GG.

28 Aug, 2018


thanks Dotty

to think it was Homebase lol


28 Aug, 2018


So, open, sunny and well drained, but with plenty of water?

30 Aug, 2018


pb123 the garden fratenity call it "holds the moisture" lol


31 Aug, 2018

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This photo is of species Kniphofia ‘Banana Popsicle’.

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This photo is of "Kniphofia ‘Banana Popsicle’" in Gnarly_gnome's garden

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