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Beefsteak Tomato..hoping for more warm days for them to ripen


By Lori

Beefsteak Tomato..hoping for more warm days for them to ripen

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Looks a good crop there Lori I hope you get the sun.

27 Aug, 2018


true to form the weather got cold..and then it got really warm! strange... anyway my toms grew huge. I got the best yield from the "low acid" toms...but I had lots of the beefsteak to make tomato sauce. I used the low acid toms in a huge curry for my friend, Pat's 80th birthday party.

13 Oct, 2018


Glad to hear Lori the weather turned to ripen them. What a lovely thought of doing a curry with them for your friend Pats birthday.

14 Oct, 2018

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