Sky formation over Richo Areana
By Thrupennybit

3 Nov, 2018
Comments on this photo
So do I Hywel far better than seeing very ugly high rise buildings smothering the sky its the only thing you can see at distance here now.
5 Nov, 2018
I should think high buildings darken the place, so it's good that you can see the sky above them. We haven't got any around there.
5 Nov, 2018
I won't even go into our town it looks an eye sore even from miles away like New York in a very small area I ve even took photo s going along the bypass ring road yet it once had the best preserved medieval city buildings which the council starting tearing down pre war and Germany did a lot more.
All our green belt is being built on with houses yet they can't house their own people roads that can not cope with the traffic even though they have built more roads there is not enough parking spaces they are just cramming in houses every where even on bit s of land at the rear of the old houses if there s an acciedent on the M6 the whole city comes to a stand still. Crime has increased vastley hit and runs murders shootings stabbings rapes its got so violent here I loathe it here now. Our hospital can't cope you can get an appointment at the doctors nor get your child into its local school and if you can get a policeman to come out your very lucky. Schools hospitals are not being built to cope with any of this vast increase two years on the trot our hospia come winter has closed its doors as they not only have had to take on three other twn but take any one else not from here.
Surrounding small towns are having to take our load of building houses before long Nuneaton Bedworth Coventry and Birmingham will be all joined by houses.
Your very lucky Hywel I hope Wales never allows this to happen there.
5 Nov, 2018
It happens here too but on a smaller scale, they are selling off the field behind my garden for building plots. They seem to be building houses in every little space they can find, and they are not good quality either, and have hardly any gardens.
The M4 is the nearest motorway to us here but I never go on it. It's got so much traffic and gets lots of holdups, especially in summertime with all the tourists etc. Even the mountain roads and country lanes are busy with people using them as short cuts, and they drive like idiots !
I never drive to our nearest city Swansea. They have ruined it. Like where you live lots of old historic buildings have been demolished to make way for rubbish new ones which won't last more than 2 minutes.
They have changed the road layout so many times I got lost last time we went there and Beryl was waiting 20 mins for me to bring the car to pick her up but I had got lost lol … She said she thought I had gone home without her lol :D … and they call it progress :(
Crime is on the increase. There have been lots of burglaries near here recently and several suspicious cars have been spotted going about the place with the drivers looking at the houses and even going up to the windows and looking in. It makes you afraid to leave the house and I think it's important that we can enjoy our gardens more than ever.
6 Nov, 2018
That is a really beautiful sky, 3d.
6 Nov, 2018
Thank you Linda
6 Nov, 2018
I really thing they will rue the day they reduced the historic building to rubble Hywel like here to I believe it all being done to accommodate either our common wealth countries or they have no intention of coming out of the EU and to accommodate them to shove us out as America depends on us using us as a bridge to the EU.
Yes traffic crime murders have increased massively here and if there is an accident on the M6 which is very close our city traffic comes to a stand still traffic jams and takes most of the day to get back to a normal flow.
It's only going to get far worse building all these houses with traffic they have already said in our news we are breathing in poisonous air through pollution of the traffic.
Same here I would know how to get around this city centre any more driving and shopping wise I have nt been into the city centre for years now it is packed with high rise ugly building crammed together very close to each other. So I can understand you loosing your way around your town poor Beryl thinking you had left and gone home and your self having the stress trying to find your way around.
Our hospital has gone to pot I would nt go there if you paid me now after recently experiencing what they done to my son.
I in future will be demanding to see these doctors qualifications my son entered the hospital with Cellulitis not for the Cellulitis but his rash an allergy caused through the cheaper antibiotic instead of the one that normal works and cures the cellulitis the Gp African doctor gave him an Indian or Pakistan hospital doctor introveniously gave my son two lots of the same antibiotic which he had an allergic reaction to even worse causing him to have Hives very seriously he can't speak can hardly swollow can't eat vomiting and dihorrea the deep red rash boiling his skin then my son told the nurse to remove the introvenus the nurse said she feared he would go into an anaphylactic shock and said they are stumped what to give him he was sobbing his heart out continually even though he continually asked for the antibiotic that worked they refused when he asked for his wife to come in late hours they refused he is now home as his wife had to sign him out in fear of his life. I believe we are now guinepigs or killing off like the Path way to Liverpool. The doctor admitted he did nt give antihistamine purposely to calm it down the nurse said to my son we don't want to watch you vomiting closed the curtains around the bed then all night next morning was ignored by all staff not even being offered a drink he is still has these symptoms three days after leaving hospital. I will go as far to say we have aHitler NHS now. I hope this is a warning to all of us what kind of NHS we have. Next time it might be your kids grand ma or any one coming close to pension age.
6 Jan, 2019
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I love to see different cloud formations. They make the sky more interesting than just a flat blue :)
4 Nov, 2018