Helleborus abruzzicus - 2019
By Andrewr

20 Jan, 2019
Species hellebore from the montains of central Italy, only named in 2006 (it was formerly included in H. multifidus var bocconei, a form from the south of the country). It grows to a foot or so in height, is deciduous, emerging with the snow melt in the wild. Best in part shade although it will take full sun.
Comments on this photo
Gorgeous and great capture.
20 Jan, 2019
Thanks 3d. It took me six attempts (and muddy knees) to get a decent shot :-)
21 Jan, 2019
Lol well done Andrew it was worth it ,it's beautiful ...
22 Jan, 2019
😂 You ll have to invest in knee pads Andrew or as I call them singing knick knee paddy wacks. It was well worth it though
22 Jan, 2019
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20 Jan, 2019