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Buddleja x weyeriana 'Sungold'

Buddleja x weyeriana 'Sungold' (Buddleja x weyeriana)

This is a hybrid of B. davidii x B. globose. When the buds started forming, I thought I would be disappointed because they are a lavender color. But then, they open to this gold.

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Gorgeous I use to have one but it died great for butterflies and bees.

17 May, 2019


I am grouping it with Black Knight and Royal Red.

18 May, 2019


That will look fantastic I still have Black Knight that has nt conked out on me yet the butterflies will love all.

19 May, 2019


I also get Bumblebees and at night, moths. Butterflies - the only ones around here are those Cabbage Butterflies, so I don't plant for them. Although my cats do like to "play" with them.

19 May, 2019


Yes moths at night pollinate more than bees. Lol at least your cats have play mates just don't tell our queen's husband Prince Phillip.

19 May, 2019


The bay area is having Azores like weather Wylie. Near record rains in the third week of May, highs only in the mid to high 60's. Mild is the word when talking warm.

23 May, 2019


It does sound like here. It isn't as dry as it was last year. Water temperature has started to go up (17°C) - a sign that the season is changing. I have even started wearing shorts!

24 May, 2019

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This photo is of species Buddleja x weyeriana.

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