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Jacaranda mimosafolia - Jacaranda Tree

Jacaranda mimosafolia - Jacaranda Tree (Jacaranda mimosafolia - Jacaranda Tree)

The Jacaranda trees are blooming very late this year. It's because of the cooler than normal weather in San Diego. Typically they start flowering the ending of March and early April through June. Photo taken in downtown San Diego, CA. on May 14, 2019.

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What a beauty lovely shape too.

20 May, 2019


Thanks! Yes, this street is lined with Jacaranda trees, this one had the most beautiful branch structure.

21 May, 2019



21 May, 2019


what's going on out there, Andy? we have had a very cold spring too. love the Jacarandas!

5 Jun, 2019



Thanks! :>))

Not sure what's going on with this crazier than usual weather. May was one of the rainiest on record, it was also very cool.

Many of the Jacarandas are in full bloom now, my tree is still on only just starting to flower. I've never seen it flower so late. I guess that just means it will flower through July and maybe part of August.

6 Jun, 2019


That's a bonus! I can still remember the little seedlings in my garden...they were so strong and grew so fast.

8 Jun, 2019


Jacaranda trees grow very fast, especially if they receive a lot of water and fertilizer.

13 Jun, 2019

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This photo is of species Jacaranda mimosafolia - Jacaranda Tree.

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