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Mango (Mangifera indica)

Mango  (Mangifera indica) (Mango  (Mangifera indica))

This little mango tree in Kensington didn't set any fruit. It's because of the rainy cooler than normal weather. Photo taken May 24, 2019 Sorry it's sideways! lol!

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Lovely Delonix! I just wish I could grow a mango tree. My favourite fruit, dried or fresh. Even without the fruit, it's a fab specimen of a tree!

1 Jun, 2019


There's quite a few mango trees here in San Diego. Some are setting fruit;however, it's not going to be the bumper crop many had last year.

Mango is one of my favorite fruits. I love when it's home-grown.

1 Jun, 2019


My neck!
I have a few pea sized fruit on the Manila..not loaded for sure. The Ataulfo just threw out one spike..nothing on it that I see. Its first flowering.

8 Jun, 2019


I see some mango trees here which have quite a few fruit. I'm shocked! lol! I really didn't think most mango trees would set fruit during such wet, cool weather.

12 Jun, 2019


HOT!!!..Three and now four days in a row of 90f to yesterdays 101f. We had a low of 69f two nights in a row and if you can believe it downtown SF had a low of 72!
Cooler tomorrow.
btw Andy..Fremont hit 105 I saw. Not official but Weather Underground reports said so.
One of my tree ferns fronds fried. It's in a large pot..was watered too. They all just frazzled. I already cut them off.

12 Jun, 2019


Hot weather can really do a lot of damage, just like cold weather. My sister who lives in Livermore said it was 100 degrees today there, again. Yikes!

I hope your tree fern recovers quickly from the heat! Luckily, it's not quite that hot here! There's a lot of humidity in the air here, also.

13 Jun, 2019


I see up to 4 small mangoes on my Ataulfo. But the big Manila has maybe a dozen? Not much. Maybe more..but nothing like its best..and it was a smaller plant then.
True that rainy,gloomy springs hurt.

15 Jun, 2019


Any idea of what kind of mango it is? Whats the height on that? 12-14'? The base trunk has a good size to it.

17 Jun, 2019


It's a pretty young mango tree. It's probably about 14' tall. I would start tipping the branches so it can spread out and get fuller.

My little mango tree finally wants to put out growth; however, with this awful cloudy and cool weather it won't grow! Yesterday the first full day of summer it was only 72 or 73 degrees here and mostly cloudy.

I just got back from the SF Bay Area a few days ago and it was a lot warmer up there than here.

22 Jun, 2019


Mine? I was thinking the same thing only Andy..the taller it gets,the more sun it gets. At 10 or 12' it is now..its getting much more sun ( the tops) and near all day. I would guess the day I prune will be the day its near 20'. That won't be soon. It's also really branching now.
I saw the Bruce ave. Mango..its in full flush..but a bit yellow to the older foliage. I'm catching up!

26 Jun, 2019


I noticed the one on Bruce Drive when I was up in the SF Bay Area back in February. It did look yellowish, it needs fish emulsion and some micro-nutrients.

I drove by a really nice mango tree a few days ago. It was flushing growth and had tons of mangoes the size of plums. I really should have pulled over and got some pics. It was only 12' tall and probably wider, so many branches and so full. I actually was shocked it had so many mangoes with this horribly cool weather we've had this spring.

It's suppose to get really warm and humid this coming weekend. This will most likely get my mango tree growing, as it's finally putting out a flush of growth! About damn time! lol! :>)

27 Jun, 2019


So far,its been near non stop flushing for them. Everything at the same,new fruitlets, and ref flushes and thats I guess what older plants do in our climate. It WAS NOT like that for years. It was either flush or flower..never at the same time! Like they say,young ones should have pinnacles cut off etc. No more. Its flushing right now after a mid May flush. Wow,thats so fast compared to before.
I've been pruning the Sapote to give those Mangoes more light. I still have plenty of Sapote fruit!
Did I tell you the pineapple has a pineapple growing on it?
Your Papaya is now in the ground too. Wintering them wasn't easy. One made it!

27 Jun, 2019


Yes, I do see the larger mango trees here can flush growth and flower. The best flowering is typically in winter (December, January or February) during dry, warm weather, though. I've seen a few flushes of growth on the mango trees here. My small mango sapling just sat for a year! It's putting out about 8 or 9 growth points right now. I can't wait until it really starts growing. I'm going to start feeding it. I hope it grows up to 6 ft this year. It's only a little more than 3' tall now.

That's great you're going to get more papayas into the ground. They like hot dry weather.

My papayas were all cut in half because they looked awful from all the mold on the leaves (from winter) and they were way too tall. If they don't start putting out growth soon, I'm cutting them down completely and starting with new plants which I started last year. Many tiny papaya plants died in the pots in the cool and rainy weather this past winter. However, each pot had many dozens of papaya plants.

29 Jun, 2019


The chill of May really hurt the tropicals trying to recover. April was good..then bam!..low temps,cold rains in May. My Crotons will never survive a second winter...still with tiny leaves. No way they will grow enough to take the cold when it gets here.
I've been emptying my plant coral..tucking into the ground the Echevarria's,Sedums, Pachyveria..all those little plump plants in blue and orange and all the in ground where they can spread. They like earth clay better than the peaty potting soils.
I have far too many plants per square foot. But,so what?..wink.

29 Jun, 2019



Yes, it was the same here in San Diego. May was a cool and showery month, which is really unusual. May we usually don't receive any showers or rain.

Crotons in the SF Bay Area unfortunately are just not a good fit. Crotons really like very warm temps all year. My Crotons are doing pretty well, though. I still have to replant the one in the front yard. The one in the back yard I still haven't found a good spot for yet, though. I just gave the one in the front yard sulfur to acidify the soil.

Most of my Plumerias are flowering. They all have buds, the large one in the ground isn't flowering and a few others. The Hilo Beauty is flowering very well now. I'm surprised because it needs a lot of heat to flower.

6 Jul, 2019


I took one of the white flowered Plumeria,not the Celadine, and planted it in ground. Another that needed summer watering when I already had the better looking and shiny leafed Celadine. Its a Plummie I bought at WalMart years ago and at the time it had some neat kind of black lichens growing on the trunk. Must have been Hawaiian grown.
Its grown about 24" and double branched low. I might even plant the P.obtusa. Winters in a pot are hard on it and it does not die,but after making fast growth July-October..the cycle starts again. With no frost,it still lost a large branch or two this winter. In ground might be better..or worse!

7 Jul, 2019


The Plumeria should grow well as long as it's not too wet in winter. Plumeria obtusa 'Singapore' most likely would not survive in the ground up there. It's too tropical.

10 Jul, 2019


I don't have many if any,spots that get sun all day summer and winter. Long shadows in winter make shade that was sun in summer. Some like T,terscheckii,that big tough cactus can take it.
Still pruning. I want to take the White Sapote down in height. Fruit that fall from its top now? Are nearly decapitated by the time they hit the ground..they are very soft. So,lowering the height I can reach high on a normal 6' ladder.
I just got done removing a couple of clumping fast growing Aloe sp.that were in the front yard. I've more of them.
I still debate on the Magnolia. What a huge mess it makes,even if it is no care the rest of the year.

12 Jul, 2019


Good luck with the pruning! I'm so glad I paid to have everything done this year. There was a tremendous of work to do! The garden looks awesome now! Yay!
There's still more organizing and repotting of plants which need to be done. Also, I have a lot of composting and mulching to do!

12 Jul, 2019


Started on the ongoing process. When I get it down to mostly just trunk,It will be a fast end. But,my bins only hold so much per week.
I also can only do so much at a time. Up high I use a pole saw and a ladder..lower when it gets down to chainsaw the easier.

13 Jul, 2019


Cutting down trees is such hard work! UGH! Good luck!

I'm having the big Euphorbia tirucalli (Pencil tree) cut down soon. It's as tall as the house. It was never meant to be in the spot where it's located. Also, having the one Ficus cyathistipula (Congo fig) closest to the house cut way back to the trunk. It's become a monster! It was a 5 inch cutting from the larger tree almost 10 years ago. Now, it's about 25' tall!

14 Jul, 2019


I believe it. Did I tell you,I had to cut thick 2" roots that my potted Ruby Ficus sent into the asphalt?..since its 6" of concrete under that.. It was not helping me lower the watering- the plant still was not getting ground water. Since I put it in a 3' walmart kiddie pool under it?..haven't watered it for days and it looks perky sitting in a few inches of water.
One of my best ideas ever Andy. Only $5 for that thing and its a fraction of what a commercial saucer of 24" would cost. Even then,I couldn't find any that large or larger.
I pruned the Magnolia even higher. From across the street it looks good. Only up close do you see the trunk' canopy is MUCH higher than untrained Magnolia grandiflora.

14 Jul, 2019


No, you never stated that you cut that large of roots from your Ficus. I'm not surprised. Ficus roots are incredibly tenacious! Their roots will travels hundreds of feet to water.

That's a very good idea having the swimming pool for water. At least the roots won't grow into the ground.

17 Jul, 2019


The Papaya you sent I grew from seed is taking off. I need to get a photo of it. I really should have taken a pic when I planted it for a better comparison.

20 Jul, 2019


That's great news! I just planted some seedlings in the ground a week or so ago and they're growing pretty fast now. They love water and lots of fertilizer when it's hot, also.

21 Jul, 2019

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This photo is of species Mango (Mangifera indica).

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