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Do you know what this variety of Rose this is?

Do you know what this variety of Rose this is?

Was expecting Canary Bird???

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That’s what I was thinking Meadow, thanks

2 Jun, 2019


Has it come from below the graft, as Meadowland says looks like a wild one.

2 Jun, 2019


Hmmm probably Siris, good thinking as I’ve never had a rugosa Alba

2 Jun, 2019


Looks like rosa pimpinellifolia..the scotsrose. Hm...wonder if that might be a parent of Canary bird, and its reverted?

2 Jun, 2019


Apparently, xanthina ‘Canary Bird’ belongs to the pimpinella group, but its parentage is unknown.

“To complicate matters, Modern Roses 12 lists R. xanthina spontanea as a synonym of 'Canary Bird.' 'Canary Bird' is a seedling of unknown parentage, at most a selection of the species but more likely a hybrid, because it was introduced in 1911, before R. xanthina was known to have flowered in 1915 in an American botanical garden.”

2 Jun, 2019


Thanks ladies. I'll get down and look at the root stock and see what's going on. Interesting.

2 Jun, 2019


Does look very much like a wild rose...(ʘᴗʘ✿)

8 Jun, 2019


I've removed it! The root stock had taken over completely so it had to go.

10 Jun, 2019


Ah...probably for the best then Dawn. Could you move it into the wilder area?

10 Jun, 2019


I did think about it Karen.

11 Jun, 2019

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