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Beefsteak Tomatoes

Beefsteak Tomatoes

Now here's what a healthy tomato plant looks like. It's the fish emulsion fertilizer again. I would recommend this over the chemical fertilizers - it has all the trace minerals tomato plants need for perfect tomatoes.

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Yes it looks very healthy and lots more to come with those flowers.

21 Jun, 2019


yes, I'm looking forward to trying these, and giving some away to the neighbors.

21 Jun, 2019


You l have to let's us know what they taste like I am sure your neighbours will love them.

21 Jun, 2019


I will thank you.

21 Jun, 2019


😊 Good don't forget lol.

21 Jun, 2019


They are doing very well Paul ,I'm pleased to say my Cherokee plant from the seed off your last years plants from the seed you kindly sent me is also doing well ,I'm looking forward to them ..

21 Jun, 2019


I'm so glad to hear that Amy. Those are excellent tomatoes - tasty. Yours were gigantic. Would be great to photos. I'll have to send you more seeds for next year and I'm going to try your soup recipe.

22 Jun, 2019


I shall be more than happy if I have a crop half as good as last year they were marvelous ...

25 Jun, 2019

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