The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Verbascum chaixii


By Siris

Verbascum chaixii (Vebascum chaixii)

Six flower spikes on the plant this year. I've been removing Mullen Moth caterpillars from it. Now gone there don't seem to be any more hatching. Pretty coloured caterpillars with yellow and green striped bodies.

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Lovely blooms. I have tried growing the giant variety but I don't think it is free draining enough here. Bit damp!!

24 Jun, 2019


Love these they are gorgeous.

24 Jun, 2019


Thank you 3pb. I'm surprised some people find this doesn't do, if anything it's a nuisance trying to keep to just this one plant, that's enough it has wide ranging roots. This particular plant has been in this position 6 or 7 years.

25 Jun, 2019


It's done really well to last so long I have one not yet flowered the last one I had was a peach colour.

25 Jun, 2019


That sound nice, 3pb.

26 Jun, 2019


Not returned to our garden, had it for many years!! was so reliable!!

27 Jun, 2019

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This photo is of species Vebascum chaixii.

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