The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Blue Cornflower


By Darren8

Blue Cornflower

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I don't have any in my wildflower strip or in wildflower corner this year. It's very sad. But I do have some lovely centaureas which almost make up for the lack of blue. :)

18 Jul, 2019


They're nice too though?! Are they in the thistle family?
Not quite happy with the pic but I've been completely lazy lately just using Snapseed & Photoshop Express on the tablet...
How are your photos going? Apologies for not always looking

18 Jul, 2019


Darren..sometimes ok. Thanks. I had a pro here a few weeks back. His were no better than mine. He said the wind was the issue. Made me feel a lot better!

19 Jul, 2019


Using a fast shutter speed or a flash can help but it's tricky getting the focus just right! That's what I was unhappy with, I wanted more of the flower in focus.
I'm still enjoying learning though

19 Jul, 2019


I have been playing with the shutter speed, but tbh, not been spending much time with the camera. Hopefully will get back to it now the Open Days are finished.

19 Jul, 2019


I posted a pic of the semps you sent. Still enjoying them, thanks!
Upside of digital photos is that you can experiment endlessly at no cost☺

19 Jul, 2019


Yes, that is the upside. I need to slow it down though and take more time composing the shots.

19 Jul, 2019


Composition is the most difficult thing for me. There's just an indefinite load of possibilities?
I know what's wrong with this pic though. The depth of field is too narrow. Just got the centre in focus when I wanted the whole flower sharp. Doh!

19 Jul, 2019

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