The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Long border


By Derekm

Long border

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Lots growing there, Derek ... what are the red flowers on the right side of the pic, near the fence ?

23 Oct, 2019


Hi Tt, the red flowers are Crocosmia ''lucifer'', gifted from Steragram, thanks Sue, a bit further up I have some Lychnis chalcedonica, also red, but flower earlier in the year, so the Crocosmia follow on from them, Derek.

23 Oct, 2019


Hi Derek... that's clever planting ..... I tried Lucifer once, but no luck. However, the more common orange Crocosmia does flower readily in my gardens, so maybe I should try again with Lucifer ?
Is yours in dry or damp soil ? alkaline or acid ? Thanks.

23 Oct, 2019


Hi Tt, thank you, the soil is a mix of garden soil and multi purpose compost, so it's very free draining, but I haven't tested the ph, I would think it's roundabout neutral, but it's also a sheltered spot, from the north winds, Derek.

23 Oct, 2019


Thanks Derek .... I reckon I'll have another try with the Lucifer... I really like those.

24 Oct, 2019

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