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Giant size French marigolds

Giant size French marigolds

These giant size French marigolds are also from ancient seed found in the garage. The packet didn't say they would be this big. This and a couple of other plugs were planted in with the tomatoes for obvious reasons and have grown HUGE. Four feet tall and huge flowers. The others planted in other pots with bedding are pretty normal size. I wonder if the tomato food has bumped them up to giant size.

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This looks like Marigold Mission Giant Yellow. I say that because I just bought some seeds for it, and it is supposed to be big like this. I got the seeds now as part of my Brexit preparations, when there will be all kinds of problems to get seeds and plants from the UK.

26 Aug, 2019


They've been amazing Wylie but these are the biggest. I have lemon yellow too but a different shaped flower.

26 Aug, 2019


Wow! Mahooosiv!

26 Aug, 2019

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