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Looking up to the Green Man...

Looking up to the Green Man...

Lots of ferns, and shade lovers here.....

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I love ferns they give so much character , I'm limited as to where I can grow them its so dry in most areas ..

30 Sep, 2019


Me too Amy, we have a large collection now, have been growing them for a very long time! some well over 20 years, there are several that like dry shade!!

30 Sep, 2019


Lovely. I love my ferns, & they require only a tidy up in spring. They don't really seem to object to dry soil as long as they are in a shady spot. I did lose one once through keeping it too wet, it rotted off! Now I've learnt to let be.

1 Oct, 2019


I agree Feverfew, a quick tidy up in the spring is usually all that we give ours.....

5 Oct, 2019

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