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Little Mango Tree Flushing Growth (Mangifera indica)

Little Mango Tree Flushing Growth (Mangifera indica) (Mangifera indica (Mango))

My little mango tree is flushing out growth in early January. It's looking really good! I hope to get a lot of growth this coming year. Photo taken Jan. 6, 2020.

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Will you get fruit from it this year?

8 Jan, 2020


Unfortunately, no. Mango trees typically have to be in the ground for 3 - 5 years before they fruit. I just planted it a little more than a year ago.

9 Jan, 2020


something to look forward to though :o)

9 Jan, 2020


Yes, I hope there will be a lot of growth this coming summer. I have a feeling it's going to be a very hot summer. UGH! LOL!

10 Jan, 2020


Is that from seed Andy?
Your Papaya seed you sent is still going in ground and about 14" nice foliage a little droopy from the 40F nights. But still standing.

13 Jan, 2020


Yes, this one is a Keitt seedling. I may possible graft it down the road.

That's great your papaya is still hanging in there. My little ones I planted which are a little larger are looking really good still...even with all the rain. I cut down most of my larger one last year. They were getting old. I'm going to plant out a lot of new plants in April.

13 Jan, 2020

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