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Pansies 'Orange' on balcony 20th January 2020


By Balcony

Pansies 'Orange' on balcony 20th January 2020 (Viola x wittrockiana)

Pansies 'Orange' on balcony 20th January 2020. 'Orange' is their name apart from their colour! I have a row of 6 plants in the centre of this trough with others of mixed colours forming rows on either side of them.

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I have a few of these too! :)

21 Jan, 2020


I like orange 🍊 pansies, do they have a perfume.?

21 Jan, 2020


Its looking like spring already David :o)

21 Jan, 2020


I think this is the first year I've grown orange Pansies, Karen. They also seem to be doing better than the others!

DD, I have no idea whether they have any perfume, I've not got down on my hands & knees & put my nose to them! :D:D:D

Yes, it does, doesn't it, Amy? I like to grow Pansies on the balcony practically every winter but some years I've lost nearly all of them! Some years it has been due to a itsy bitsy grey white aphid that covers every green surface so the plants look like they have powdery mildew! :(

Other years there is nothing to say what's wrong with them, they just collapse where they are & it looks at first like they are very, very dry but when you touch the soil you realise they are plenty damp enough! Nor is it a case of them rotting either because when I remove the plants from the soil you can see lots & lots of roots & there is no putrefaction.

Probably some kind of illness because the majority of the Pansies the town council planted in the flowerbed in the garden of the block of flats the same happened!

22 Jan, 2020


a dose of Sunshine in the gloom.

22 Jan, 2020


They are, SBG! :) All the more welcome during this particularly gloomy week as well!

23 Jan, 2020

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This photo is of "Pansy" in Balcony's garden

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