Like the leaning tower of Pisa
By Thrupennybit

15 Feb, 2020
1 like
From storm Ciara
Comments on this photo
Thank you . As I ve discovered Derkm I have another 4 which are ok so far if not they will be taken out like this one will be.
15 Feb, 2020
Hi 3d, if you can get a stout tree stake inside some of the branches so that it doesn't show, you can secure it with a tree tie to make it a bit more secure, I used to have 1 of these either side of the steps from the bottom patio, down to the lawn, but I got fed up of straightening them up, took about 5 minutes to dig them out, Derek.
15 Feb, 2020
Thank you for that Derekm but I have now have some thing to replace it.
15 Feb, 2020
Oh gosh, some work for your sons/grandsons.
16 Feb, 2020
Lol Siris yes the grandsons can pull it out.
16 Feb, 2020
Oh dear, were you able to rescue it?
17 Feb, 2020
No it was to far out by the rootes as well so I have some thing else to go there instead Seaburngirl.
17 Feb, 2020
Think of it as an opportunity then, 3pb.
18 Feb, 2020
What a shame but as you say something new to be planned ...
18 Feb, 2020
Thank you Siris I am 🙂
Thank you Amy it should of been taken out ages ago and now it's gone even lower so it should be easier for the grandsons.
19 Feb, 2020
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12 Feb, 2018
Hi 3d, that's the trouble with these, they're so shallow rooted, they're easily blown over, Derek.
15 Feb, 2020