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Monstera deliciosa - Split-leaf Philodendron

Monstera deliciosa - Split-leaf Philodendron  (Monstera deliciosa - Split-leaf Philodendron)

This Split-leaf Philodendron is growing up a large Trachycarpus wagnerianus. It's growing at my friend's house in the Oakland Hills (San Francisco Bay Area). Photo taken Feb. 21, 2020.

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That's a terrific plant Andy. It might be Monstera borsigiana,the green form. They climb much faster in the bay area than M.deliciosa and have slightly smaller leaves.
I have the variegated form and its going right up my tree...faster than M.deliciosa that I also have. M. borsigiana also shingles denser than M. deliciosa.
That plant must be in the 20 year old range. What a fantastic looking plant it is.

4 Mar, 2020


No, my friend says it's the common Monstera deliciosa which has been there for over 30 years. Unfortunately, it's not the best pics with shadowing and the side view. lol!

10 Mar, 2020


Over 30 sounds even better. Huge Trachycarpus wagnerianus its growing on. One of the tallest I've seen.

Shaving Brush palms..I lost that and Bismarckia to gophers.

15 Mar, 2020

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