Mango Tree (Mangifera indica) Flowwering
By Delonix1

4 Mar, 2020
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This beautiful mango tree is just starting to flower. Photo taken in San Diego, CA. on March 3, 2020.
Comments on this photo
Yes, I love this mango tree! It always looks awesome! It's not the largest mango I've seen in San Diego, but I love the shape. There's another I see on the way to work (off the freeway) which has a similar size and shape which has dark forest green leaves. It's flowering now, also.
10 Mar, 2020
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This photo is of species Mango Tree (Mangifera indica).
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Gardening with friends since
20 Jan, 2014
THAT'S as good as they get. Dense crown,nice trunk. Probably more than they can eat. I would love to giveaway bags of them away. I used to do that with an Avocado I grew from seed,had great fruit...then at 8 years,died from who knows what. A crusher.
5 Mar, 2020