For Kate: My Sparrowhawk
By Bathgate

22 Mar, 2020
He's a juvenile yet but looks rather well fed & content. He's a good boy. He eats more than just sparrows - mice, pigeons, squirrels, etc. He'll even have a go at my cat - all fair game.
Comments on this photo
Thank you both - yeh he means business!
22 Mar, 2020
22 Mar, 2020
LOL Costello is content with his lazy boy chair and rarely ventures outside. I have to physically carry him outside for his 5 minutes of sunshine - then he bolts for the back door.
22 Mar, 2020
All I can say is, Costello must love his home comforts and you must have made your home a really happy place for him to be all the time he’s lived with you!
22 Mar, 2020
He's a happy fella - still very shy and needs to understand the garden belongs to him too.
22 Mar, 2020
I’ve been letting Eve venture out into the back garden and up the bund hill a bit..saying that, she stayed out for a whole 5 minutes this lunchtime! Too cold for her at 6 degrees! She seems to like curling up in front of the wood burner in the evening. Hope I haven’t been making her too soft this past month! As I can’t go to Zumba at the minute, I’ve been on my exercise bike listening to the likes of Talking Heads and the B-52s - she’s been sat staring at me like, who is this crazy woman?
22 Mar, 2020
That's funny...I bought Costello a cat condo with lots of levels and hide-away cubbies. I think he likes it too much. He'll spend half a day sleeping in the cabbies and I have to guess which cubbie is he hiding in today. I saw the
B-52s at Woodstock, New York. They were great. Kate Pierson is awesome. Have you heard of Woodstock? It's famous for something before my time.
23 Mar, 2020
I bet he loves it! Lots of hidey holes to explore! My friend texted me last night about something similar she bought for her 3 cats at Christmas - she says it keeps them busy when she’s at work all day..
Yes, I have heard of Woodstock, it would’ve been quite amazing back in the day..having the chance to see some fantastic musicians amid the style at that time..
I’ve been to many concerts back in the day, but I’d have loved to have seen the B-52s! Kate Pierson has an amazing voice and so has Fred Schneider - he has a unique voice and a crazy persona!
23 Mar, 2020
A fabulous photo Paul ,well done for capturing it so well ...
23 Mar, 2020
Thank You so much Amy. Glad you like it. It was serendipitous - I pulled back the kitchen curtains and there he was staring at me through the window - and I see his big belly bulge like he just ate something - or someone!
24 Mar, 2020
Wow, lovely looking bird, Bathgate! A real beauty. He looks quite a confident youngster! You did make me laugh when you said he’d have a go at catching anything!
Thanks for sharing ;-D
22 Mar, 2020