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Hot Pink Gerbera


By Kate123

Hot Pink Gerbera (Gerbera Asteraceae)

My bright pink gerbera survived the winter, the leaves struggled a bit, but they are starting to grow again. It’s looking like it’s going to do ok...

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Beauties they ve done well to pull tgrough winter.

21 May, 2020


Its looking good kate ,a survivor ...

22 May, 2020


Goodness me, hasn’t that done well?

22 May, 2020


Thank you ladies! I know, I’m so surprised it survived! Think it’s where the pot is positioned, maybe?

23 May, 2020


You must if had it sheltered or it liked where it was. 😊

23 May, 2020


Think so, Dawn. Sort of sheltered by a shaped laurel. 😊

24 May, 2020


Which would orevent any frost getting to it so at least you know where to protect your delicate plants.

25 May, 2020


Thanks Dawn. I think I was extremely lucky to have put this one in the right spot!

25 May, 2020


Yes defiently Kate I would put it up off the ground and inside some where in future incase we get hard ground frosts in the future as last year was quite mild compared to ither years.

25 May, 2020

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This photo is of species Gerbera Asteraceae.

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