The State of the Nation
By Bathgate

2 Jun, 2020
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Here is a bit of history in the making. A message on my phone today. This is in addition to the covid 19 restrictions. The streets must be cleared by 8pm - everyone in their own home.
Comments on this photo
So sad on top of the Covid 19 restrictions. Stay safe Bathgate.
3 Jun, 2020
So sorry to hear that.
3 Jun, 2020
Thank goodness my granddaughter is sharing a house with other people in Manhattan at least she has company on her rooftop garden ..
3 Jun, 2020
I hope your grand daughter is safe and well Amy. I'm sure she is. It seems a lot worse than it actually is. The strangest part is the utter peace and quiet. That's weird for me, but I can get used to it. Thank you everyone for your well wishes. I appreciate it.
3 Jun, 2020
I gather this is the curfew for the rioting on top of the virus restrictions Paul not the same kind of peaceful history in the 60s is it this was back then it was all about this even though Scot Mackenzie song the soilders in Vietnam took this song for them . Lets hope future generations will learn by it.
You would of thought Trump and his administration through the radio and tv could of stopped all this perhaps they need to go back to the 60s those that are peaceful wear a flower in their hair that would soon tell the good from the bad .
3 Jun, 2020
Unfortunately, President Trump and Governor Cuomo don't see eye to eye on a lot of issues, and the Mayor of New York City. A lot of it is political gesturing. Trump wanted to send in the National Guard to restore civility, but Cuomo said 'no no I got this, we don't need your help.' Then Cuomo imposed the curfew to quell the rioting, before it really started. Seems like the innocent pay the biggest price.
3 Jun, 2020
Yes the innocent always suffer in every thing even here Paul. It makes you wonder why Cuomo refused the national guard what really was his intentions some think its to bring in the Feds in public replies in the news colums here. Another man told me its not that they care about Floyd but its to get Trump out .
3 Jun, 2020
Yes, I'm sure that's part of it, but I have to say Trump isn't as bad as he's portrayed in the media. He's doing a lot of good, but it never gets coverage.
3 Jun, 2020
I dont listen to the media as they are all owned by builderburgers which have their own agenda I just read public replies of the people from all over.
Yes Trump was put there to get the businesses going again as always the media only like to report bad things or exaggerate and twist the truth.
3 Jun, 2020
Be safe!
3 Jun, 2020
Thank You Aleyna
3 Jun, 2020
Very worrying, I hope you are all right, keep safe ...
4 Jun, 2020
Thanks Hywel!
4 Jun, 2020
A very trying time for you. Stay safe.
4 Jun, 2020
thank you.
5 Jun, 2020
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12 Feb, 2018
Worrying times. Stay safe
2 Jun, 2020