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This Poinsettia has been red since before Christmas and this photo was taken 2 days ago. It must be really enjoying it's spot in the hall. Would love to know if anyone else has kept one in 'bloom' for so long. I know they are actually red bracts and not the insignificent flowers.

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I once had one until June but that was the only time. My brother gets his to turn red every year by placing a black bag over it at a certain time each day. I don't know when he starts doing it and the bracts are never very big but they do turn red.

5 Jun, 2020


Gosh I haven't heard of that, might be worth a try. I have another very old straggly one that I keep persevering with so could try with that one first. I have heard you should put them in the dark for a few months but don't know when that would be and I would probably forget where I put it!!!

5 Jun, 2020


My brother covers it with a black bag at the same time every day. It takes a few months to work. I wouldn't have the patience myself :)

5 Jun, 2020

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