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Primula florindae


By Siris

Primula florindae (Primula florindae (Giant Himalayan Cowslip))

Primula florindae, in the pond margin with a Dierama on dry land also in the pic.

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A beauty. I grew some of these from seed a long while ago - I had forgotten. I'll have to try again. Thank you for the reminder!

26 Jun, 2020


I too grew these a long while ago, but they died off because my soil dries out in summer. These are new from seed, I'm keeping in the pond margins so they don't dry out.

26 Jun, 2020


I had bought, last year, a packet of unnamed small, mixed cottage garden seeds for fun. They germinated and I put them into pots in the Autumn. This summer I realised some were primulas but not sure which sort. Imagine my surprise TODAY when I went to water them, quite by coincidence, they have flowered and I now have a batch of 6 new florindae. You must have conjured them up. Now all I need is the boggy patch...

26 Jun, 2020


Oh, lucky you. I wouldn't have called Primula florindae a cottage garden plant.
I've got some reddy ones with yellow inside the petals, not fully open yet.

27 Jun, 2020


A dainty one.....

2 Jul, 2020


It's actually very Tall, Dd.

2 Jul, 2020

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