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9814 tree peonie... I think!


By Lori

 9814 tree peonie... I think!

it's been almost 9 years since the last time this plant blossomed. Have been looking in my files for a name...

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Yes it definitely looks like a Tree Peonie , that was a nice surprise for you after all that time Lori ..

27 Jun, 2020


Wow...that is fabulous Lori..

1 Jul, 2020


Yes! thanks Amy and Janey! the Festiva Maxima is better this year.. but nothing on the Sarah Bernhardt, because I moved it (for a second time) last summer. I put the tree in it's present place NINE years ago.. talk about a long sulk!

1 Jul, 2020


Oh blimey, it certainly wasn't happy about the disturbance Lori. And here's me going to offer you my SB and she'd have to cope with a flight and new country, think I'll give her a new home in my compost bin..:))

1 Jul, 2020


awww... really Janey? poor Sarah.

1 Jul, 2020


I know, but she's been in the garden for about 12 years and has given me maybe 5 blooms in all that time, so she's not happy is she?

1 Jul, 2020


Its real pretty one . Do you have this in the shade Lori as one of mine did nt flower this year because of to much shade also you should never cut them back to the ground like the others if you do it wont flower for a few years you just trim back to new buds in spring .

1 Jul, 2020

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