Fuchsia procumbens 'Wirral'
By Siris

16 Jul, 2020
A creeping Fuchsia. The flower is the tiny red thing in the middle. It stays in the pebble garden all year, but as somewhat tender I've some in a tub surrounding a bulbous Crinum in the conservatory, just in case.
Comments on this photo
Mine's in a pot with Fuchsia x bacillaris and comes in the greenouse in winter. I think some variegated plants suffer more from the cold winter.
18 Jul, 2020
Two Fuchsias together, never thought of that. I have Fuchsia microphylla which stays in the border, dry sheltered spot, all winter. winter.
18 Jul, 2020
Ours stays outside......it’s in a pot.....
20 Jul, 2020
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Pretty to see...looks nice clambering over cobbles..
17 Jul, 2020