DSC07864 small
By Lindak
- 31 Jul, 2020
Comments on this photo
Good luck with it Kate. This is next to a large Hosta and the snails have taken to that.
1 Aug, 2020
What a lovely colour. When is the best time to plant one?
7 Aug, 2020
I planted mine after I had them as pot plants Waddy, but I would think after the frosts. I don't know about from a tuber. Perhaps the internet will have some information for you. I make sure they are watered in the dry weather.
7 Aug, 2020
Thanks Linda. I have one in a pot which has finished flowering and I was wondering if I could plant it out now. :-)
7 Aug, 2020
Hope it does well for you Waddy. I would put a bit of compost into the hole and water then put your plant in and give it another water as it's so dry.
8 Aug, 2020
Thanks for the tip Linda, I'll wait until it's cooled down a bit then I'll find a spot for it.
9 Aug, 2020
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Lovely pic, Linda. I’ve taken mine up as it was being eaten..a patient hinted I should put it in a pot filled with water..it’s now sprouting very well..fingers crossed.
1 Aug, 2020