The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Floral Owl.

Floral Owl.

Comments on this photo


All your own work? Very imaginative.

8 Aug, 2020


Is it embroidery Ff or painted it's lovely ..

9 Aug, 2020


This is a lovely pic, Josee, great idea! Very arts and crafts.

9 Aug, 2020


They are designs in a colouring book which I picked up in a charity shop for £2. I've no idea what I'll do with them (have started on the 4th). The owl would look ok on a T- shirt, perhaps. It is really just something to do when it's too hot to potter in the garden. So hot last night that I went for a walk at 3am, then tried to go to sleep in the car! Cooler out there,tho'a bit uncomfy with seat belt clips in the way. Thanks for liking.

9 Aug, 2020


Yes it would look lovely on a T shirt , I use to go and sleep in the summer house when it was hot before we moved I don't like the one we have here enough to sleep in it ...

9 Aug, 2020


We need a category for this in Goypedia

9 Aug, 2020


Fantsstic my favourite of them all.

10 Aug, 2020


Oh Josee, I shouldn’t chuckle, really..but I have an image of you struggling with the seat belt in the car in the middle of the night! Gosh, it must’ve have taken a lot for you to sleep in the car. It has been very hot, especially the further south you go. I hope you felt safe out walking also!
I’m a very fortunate lady to have air conditioning in our bedroom, I definitely don’t take it for granted.

10 Aug, 2020


Cooler today Kate & what a heavy shower, thank goodness.
Air conditioning in the bedroom must have been a godsend.
Thank you Thrpennybit

13 Aug, 2020


Bathgate, I think it would be rather nice to have an art
category, I know lots of GoY members do arty things & it is always nice to see them. However it is a gardening site so I guess we should mostly stick to that.

13 Aug, 2020


FF I think we should make it happen. Gardeners are artistic by default. Who is responsible for new categories. on Goypedia?

14 Aug, 2020

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