Dracaena ‘Song of India’
By Delonix1

27 Sep, 2020
My Song of India was getting out of control, so I cut it way back and started several cuttings in early summer. All the cuttings are growing very well now. Photo taken September 17, 2020.
Comments on this photo
It’s not a hardy plant at all, but definitely hardier than crotons. You should be able to grow it outside in a protected area.
I wouldn’t really know about stock at the nurseries here. I don’t go nursery-hopping anymore. To many plants here. Lol
9 Oct, 2020
Its been awhile since my last nursery only business. HD,I always have to go there ...the homes have something that needs replacing. Or like I needed a new pump for my aquarium and HD Andy sells those for much less than fish stores or internet.
HD,is my "bar and nightclub". At this age.
10 Oct, 2020
Lol! That’s funny! It’s many people’s bar and nightclub during this horrible pandemic.
16 Oct, 2020
Andy- I'm not seeing any photos. I've posted that and nobody has answered.
16 Oct, 2020
What are you not seeing?
16 Oct, 2020
Photos. I can see them on Firefox. But not on Chrome. I don't know why..lets see if the admin. answers my email. I heard they often don't respond.
16 Oct, 2020
That’s crazy! I’m on google Chrome, but not on my computer. I use my iPad most of the time because I can make the pics bigger.
16 Oct, 2020
Its been a good week now. GOY staff never answered,neither did Chrome when I sent them a report.
Its just GOY,and just Goy chrome,not IE or Firefox.
So for now I have to look at new photos on the other browser.
Could be a Chrome update didn't match GOY.
19 Oct, 2020
That’s very strange.
22 Oct, 2020
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Had one years ago. Never survived a winter on the porch. It was especially cold that year. Haven't seen them lately. This year has been WORST EVER as all the nurseries have much less in stock. Home Depot..is down to most common and few. I did see Plumeria pudica at 3' or more. That's it for the summer.
Even Regans in Newark? Thin pickings compared to the usual.
8 Oct, 2020