Dragons Beard..
By Stan510

7 Oct, 2020
Huperzia squarrosa.
A plant VERY difficult to propagate. I did it back in 2003 or so from a small cutting given to me,but everything I read says I just made it.
Comments on this photo
It's been a close one Kate. For years as a cutting in a 2" pot it hardly grew..so I removed the media of bark and perlite and potting soils and planted in pure Canadian Orchid Sphagnum moss. Success then came. Some accidents since 2004 of course.. dried out too much one winter. Worse was when cats jumped on it and broke two the three largest branches. Of course those branches would not root!..too hard without a greenhouse like I had in 2000-2004 at the local U.
Now looking good. Mot a show winner..but a good backyard plant.
12 Oct, 2020
That’s quite a rare and tropical plant. That’s great you are able to grow it there in Hayward.
16 Oct, 2020
Its probably the hardiest of the tropicals..more subtropical in the rainforests of Australia I think it is.
Photos on GOY are not showing for me the last two days. Just broken links. Even your avatar Andy is blank.
16 Oct, 2020
That’s strange. I’m doing all my comments on my iPad.
16 Oct, 2020
I sent the admin a email No answer so far. Everything but photos is fine.
16 Oct, 2020
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This photo is of species Huperzia squarrosa.
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A very interesting plant to look at, Stan. You’ve succeeded well!
10 Oct, 2020