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Northern Flicker (Colaptes auratus)

 Northern Flicker (Colaptes auratus)

Woodpecker family. Although, I have never seen them peck
They are not as frequent here as the other woodpeckers. Only come occasionally. Very stylish with their bib and polka dot chest.

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Gorgeous markings.

8 Oct, 2020


These are strong intelligent birds. They like to 'hammer' on metal objects - garbage cans, aluminum siding, cars, lamp posts, etc. If it's super annoying, they do even more.

8 Oct, 2020


Such a pretty bird is it inside a cage Klananie?

9 Oct, 2020


Good capture. Very unusual bird.

9 Oct, 2020


Thank you Klahanie 😊 yes squirrels are acrobats its amazing how versatile they can move their bodies to survive on the food. Have you tried putting seperate food out for the squirrels like nuts or they steel and eat the fat balls in my garden which I put out for the birds so I place one for them in a different place.

10 Oct, 2020


Thanks for postings, Klahanie! Wonderful bird to see. You’re such a fortunate person to have such interesting, beautiful birds visit your garden. :-)

10 Oct, 2020


what a beautiful bird. I like the red bits too.

12 Oct, 2020


I love most birds ,Klahanie,and wish we had this one visit our garden.such lovely markings.

14 Oct, 2020

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