Parahebe caterractrae SnowClouds
By Siris

12 Oct, 2020
Comments on this photo
I would be pleased to know if yours is ok, cause I would like to move mine. I'm supposed to have P. 'Porlock' but haven't seen it flowering for some time, think it might have been swamped to death by its neighbouring plants.
13 Oct, 2020
I'll let you know how we go, Siris!
13 Oct, 2020
I got a rooted stem off my Snowclouds today, put it into a pot and cut the flowers off. Definitely can't find Porlock, which had the prettier flowers.
16 Oct, 2020
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This photo is of species Parahebe catarractae 'Snow Clouds'.
This photo is of "Parahebe catarractae 'Snow Clouds'" in Siris's garden
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Pretty. I've just moved mine so I hope it survives.
12 Oct, 2020