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White Iholena and Golden Finger Bananas

White Iholena and Golden Finger Bananas

My bananas are growing very well this year. Unfortunately, I haven’t had any bananas in three years due to drought conditions. Maybe next year I’ll get fruit again. Photo taken October 17, 2020.

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I will see. They need lots of fertilizer to grow good bananas. They’ve been neglected the last few years when my father was very ill. Taking care of two homes is a tremendous amount of work.

11 Nov, 2020


Love the exotic planting. I appreciate it’s very difficult managing your garden and trying to keep on top of two homes, Andy.

11 Nov, 2020


My father passed away last year, and I sold his more two homes to take care of, anymore.

13 Nov, 2020


I’m sorry for your loss, Andy. I think I recall a post recently now you mentioned his passing. It must have been a sad time for you, stressful too.

13 Nov, 2020



Yes, it’s been a tough time. It’s getting a little better now. My father loved plants, also. I learned a lot about plants from him.

15 Nov, 2020


I’m pleased things are getting better for you, Andy. It seems your father handed down a fantastic love of gardening and knowledge.

17 Nov, 2020


Thank you.

21 Nov, 2020

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