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Schefflera actinophylla - Umbrella Tree

Schefflera actinophylla - Umbrella Tree

My umbrella tree was looking very good before the extreme 110 degree temps hit and burned some leaves! This tree popped up in one of my plants from a bird (I’m guessing) a little more than a year ago. There’s lot of big umbrella trees here. Photo taken September 28, 2020.

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Wow! Looks lush! Amazing it’s grown so quick - it’s your climate I guess.

5 Dec, 2020


Yes, it’s a very fast grower. My neighbor has a large tree which was cut back to the main trunk a few years ago. Now, it’s about 30’ tall, again. I’m guessing the seed came from that tree. Although, there’s several large trees in my neighborhood.

8 Dec, 2020


Interesting info. I guess it’s been gifted to you by one of the trees nearby then!

13 Dec, 2020


I get lots of unwanted gifts, though. LoL!

I have lots of Norfolk Island pines popping up from the 85 ft tree in the front yard. Also, Jacaranda trees (from the 50 ft tree in the front yard) and tons of wild pink Lantana. I don’t mind the Macadamia nut trees when they pop up from my neighbor’s tree, though.

13 Dec, 2020


Macadamia nut trees!!!! Lucky fellow..

19 Dec, 2020


Macadamia seedlings only pop up when we receive a lot of rain. Not sure how the birds get the Macadamia nuts across the street, though.

20 Dec, 2020



20 Dec, 2020

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