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Hummingbirds in winter

Hummingbirds in winter

Little hummingbird was caught in snow by surprise too
Somehow a tiny hummingbird does not fit in this Christmas snowy scene any more than a Macaw'.

This is "Anna's" hummingbird. The other hummingbirds we have around in Summer such as Rufous, Calliope, and Black-chinned have enough sense to leave for Mexico and the Gulf Coast by late summer. I read it is only past few decades that they stay around. In the past the most northern sighting were in San Francisco area.  People feed them (we have many feeders around for them) and there is plenty of "winter gardens" blooming( Mahonia, Sarcococca , Witch hazel, Winter Daphne ,Viburnum bodnatense, Heathers, Hellebores, Primroses ....just to name few). Some of these these provide their food supply during the winter.

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Its amazing w many flowers are around at this time of year!

30 Dec, 2020


Thank you for posting the pic of the Hummingbird, I wouldn't have believed it but for your previous blog.

31 Dec, 2020


Great picture.

1 Jan, 2021


And to you and your nearest and dearest.

1 Jan, 2021


Klahanie, just saw this new pic before you commented. Thanks again. Looked up Anna's H. B. Nice green back, pinkish head, beige breast. Yours looks all beigish. Do they have duller winter plumage?

3 Jan, 2021


Well caught photo. It's really lovely to see the different wildlife from other places. Glad to hear they are being fed.

7 Jan, 2021

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