Time for a change.

17 Feb, 2021
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We’ve had this Wendy house for 22 years since I was 2. It’s finally given up the ghost. Seen as the house is now mine it’s time for a little change up, more plants. Climbing plants and a bbq area. Stay tuned for what’s coming! The bunnies are staying too, they’re just getting a better area to surround them!
Comments on this photo
It certainly is! I’m so excited for what’s to come next. I know it’s early on in the year but I’m doing it in two weeks time as some plants will need to be moved etc!
18 Feb, 2021
our wendy house lasted 20 yrs with us and is now with a friend for her daughter.
18 Feb, 2021
At least you’ll have some photos to keep to remind you of it, Dan.
I’m looking forward to seeing your new planting ideas and project too!
18 Feb, 2021
Thanks everyone! Definitely rime for a change! We didn't notice a part of the roof was leaking so unfortunately it's gone abit soggy inside!
18 Feb, 2021
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Gardening with friends since
2 Feb, 2019
Lovely to keep the memories, and nice to have a focus of what's to come.
18 Feb, 2021