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Some additional lighting to the pergola.


By Kate123

Some additional lighting to the pergola.

Wet and windy night here, like many other places around the country.
Added some little ‘slightly warm’ white lights to the right side of the pergola recently.

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That's very appealing. We have had truly awful gale-force winds this pm. and tonight. My baby rowan is bent double. I hope it manages to straighten up eventually! Hopefully you will be able to enjoy your lights, (eventually) too.

3 May, 2021


Looks lovely. Down here on the coast somebody has found a paddling pool in their garden while somebody else has lost the thick covering to a small greenhouse . . . :o(

4 May, 2021


We've had lots of turbulent weather lately but not like the devastating tornado outbreak in Mississippi & Georgia. The pergola lighting very festive. I love the ambient effect on the surrounding foliage - very moody.

4 May, 2021


that sky is typical of yesterday and although the rain was welcome the wind wasnt.

4 May, 2021


We got it here too - torrential rain all night & more on the way.

4 May, 2021


Thanks everyone, I’m liking the lights we have dotted around the garden, effective but not overpowering...
The rain was quite heavy here later in the evening, plus the wind really picked up! I remember waking up this morning and I’d been dreaming about the wind destroying the garden!!!
It’s pretty awful weather for May...liking the fact the garden is having a big drink, but..hoping it’s short lived.

4 May, 2021


My poor petunias can't catch a break. Whenever they start to bloom, they are flattened again by the rain.

4 May, 2021


We’ve missed proper rain until today, Paul. It’s quite a downpour and it’s going to be all day.

8 May, 2021

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