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Pritchardia minor - Hawaiian Lou Lou Palm

Pritchardia minor - Hawaiian Lou Lou Palm

This is my friend’s palm a few miles from my house. Photo taken May 12, 2021.

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I just love the name!!!!

15 May, 2021


It’s also called the Alikai Swamp Pritchardia. Lol

Here in San Diego it only grows to 20 ft tall. In its native Kaua’i, Hawaii’s tropical rainforest it grows to more than double that height.

15 May, 2021


20 ft is plenty tall enough for me, Andy!

16 May, 2021


It’s one of the smaller species, most grow pretty tall: 30 to 65 ft.

17 May, 2021


Some of the Pritchardia live in the bay area and central Cal...but they are not a sure thing in a cold winter here. For specialists here for sure.

21 May, 2021


Most Hawaiian species do very well in the SF Bay Area. Pritchardia pacifica, thurstonii unfortunately can’t grow outside there. I’ve seen them here, but they’re even pretty tender for San Diego. They hate temps below 55 degrees.

22 May, 2021

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